"From the hit TV anime based on Atsushi Okubo's manga series that has sold over 20 million copies worldwide, Fire Force, the captain of the Special Fire Force Company 7 and the "strongest Fire Officer," Shinmon Benimaru, joins the Kotobukiya ARTFX J statue series!
This detailed sculpt is inspired by a scene where Shinmon uses his Ignition Ability to fly through the air and stand in the way of an enemy.
The base is modeled after Benimaru's gloriously blazing signature weapon, the matoi, and is made of clear plastic material.
In addition to the impactful base, the fluttering streamers of the matoi that Shinmon grips in his left hand further adds to the sheer volume of this figure.
*This reproduction will have a different SRP than its first release."
Fire Force ARTFX J Statue 1/8 Shinmon Benimaru 28 cm
This item has an ETA of Q2 2025
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