Inspired by Superman's sacrifice, Bruce Wayne, portrayed by Ben Affleck in Zack Snyder's Justice League, is hard at work as the Apokoliptian threat looms. As billionaire Bruce Wayne, he devotes his vast resources and technology to seek out metahumans to form his team; as the formidable vigilante Batman, he develops an arsenal of vehicles and gadgets to prepare him for the upcoming showdown. As Batman steps out of the shadows of Gotham, Bruce joins his fellow heroes to form the Justice League as they fight to save the planet from the evil forces of Darkseid.
About the Statue
Introducing the Bruce Wayne ¼ Statue, meticulously crafted to reflect Ben Affleck's portrayal of Bruce Wayne in Zack Snyder's Justice League. This elegant statue captures Bruce Wayne's unique blend of sophistication and intensity, with one hand in his pocket and the other casually by his side, as he returns to the dilapidated ruins of Wayne Manor alongside his teammate Diana Prince and his butler Alfred Pennyworth. With newfound determination, Bruce has plans to rebuild it into a hall for something greater - starting with a big round table - six chairs, with room for more.
This statue captures Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne down to very last detail. From the subtle graying of his hairs to his furrowed brow and piercing gaze, Bruce Wayne's commanding presence is expertly rendered in this ¼ statue.
- Size: 51 x 22 x 21 cm
Justice League Statue 1/4 Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) 51 cm
This is a Pre-Order item: Items will ship Once the balance is paid in full and the item is released & distributed.
Official pre-order closes 28.11.2024
Availability will be finite beyond this date and any active discounts will end.
This item has an ETA of Q4 2025
Pre-Order release dates are not a guaranteed date. They can move back and forth and are beyond our control. Dates displayed are continually updated to reflect the latest information on the ETA that we have.