The Marvel movie Venom has sparked a wave of anti-hero fandom. In the story, the Life Foundation brings an alien "symbiote" to Earth, conducting experiments to find the perfect host...
Following the release of the 1:1 Venom statue, Beast Kingdom presents the LS-101 Venom Movie Series Venom Symbiote Life Size Statue, designed to fulfill collectors' desires. Standing 24 cm tall, it features realistic liquid-like textures, muscular details, and professional hand-painted finishes, capturing Venom's unique look. The multi-layered painting on the eyes, teeth, and tongue makes it look as if Venom is leaping out of the container in search of its next host.
A must-have for any Marvel collection, the LS-101 Venom Symbiote Life Size Statue is the perfect addition to your collection!
- Accurate Venom symbiote reproduction from the Venom movie
- Professional sculpting and painting techniques
Venom Movie Series Life-Size Statue Venom Symbiote 24 cm
Official pre-order closes 16.01.2025
Availability will be finite beyond this date and any active discounts will end.
This item has an ETA of Q4 2025
Pre-Order release dates are not a guaranteed date. They can move back and forth and are beyond our control. Dates displayed are continually updated to reflect the latest information on the ETA that we have.
This is a Pre-Order item: Items will ship Once the balance is paid in full and the item is released & distributed.